Vince Del Monte was once a young man who found it impossible to put on any weight, much less build the massive muscles he desired. He found that he was the scrawniest one in his class, and he was called “Skinny Vinny(ie)” by his friends and classmates. One of the main reasons that he was so skinny was due to the fact that he was a track and field athlete, and he competed in triathlons and races alike. This kept him from being able to gain weight, and the fact that he came from a skinny family didn’t help much either.
After years of being too skinny, Vince Del Monte decided that enough was enough.
He spent months studying and doing research on how to best pack on the pounds and build muscle, and his efforts were rewarded as he was able to gain 41 pounds of solid muscle in just six months. He went from 149 pounds up to 190 pounds, and he did it without the use of any drugs. He used a few select supplements and only exercised three to five times per week, but the program that resulted from his research was incredibly effective.
He soon became a competitive fitness model, and he won the Canadian Fitness Modeling Championship on his third try. The fact that he bulked up so fast caught the eye of Maximum Fitness, an international fitness magazine. This magazine interviewed Vince Del Monte, and they ran a 2 page spread of the amazing story of his transformation from a skinny shrimp to a buff, fitness model champion.
Vince Del Monte has obtained an Honor’s Degree in Kinesiology, and he has been working for nearly 10 years as a personal trainer.
He is pleased to share his program with anyone who is looking to gain weight effectively, as he wants others to benefit from the amazing program that he created for himself. His efforts to build muscle as a hard gainer have paid off, and now he is able to share his amazing program with the rest of the world.
The nearly 200 page manual of the No Nonsense Muscle Building program is packed with valuable information on lifestyle habits, dietary habits, exercise habits, and ways to correct all of the mistakes that people make when they approach their fitness and health. Thanks to the program by Vince Del Monte, people from all over the world are able to get in good shape and build muscle no matter what their body type.
The No Nonsense Muscle Building program is chock full of information on how to eat right, how to use the recovery period between and after workouts in order to build muscle effectively, which exercises are the best, how many sets and reps of each are best, and so much more. All of the material in the No Nonsense Muscle Building program has been tested and verified by years of study, and Vince Del Monte has created a program that has benefited many and helped people of all ages to get in the best shape of their lives. Thanks to Vince Del Monte and the No Nonsense Muscle Building program, the myths behind getting in shape have been dispelled and everyone can get in the best shape of their lives.